Which Sewage Treatment Plant?

A sewage treatment plant can solve many domestic sewage problems when you are unable to connect to the main sewer. We can assess your individual site and advise if a septic tank or a sewage treatment plant would be more suitable. There are often a number of factors to consider and from our wealth of experience we normally find that different schemes can be considered.

Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers

As independent installers we can offer a range of sewage systems, some of the main manufacturers are, Klargester, Biorock, Titan, Conder, Biodigester, Balmoral, Clearwater, Marsh & WPL.

Most major manufacturers are now producing treatment systems that meet the new European Standard EN12566-3.

Below you will find a Comprehensive list of Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers in alphabetical order:

  • Balmoral
  • Biodigester
  • Bio-Pure
  • Biorock
  • Clerewater
  • Condor
  • Crystal
  • Diamond
  • Entec
  • Graff
  • Harlequin
  • Kingspan
  • Klargester
  • Mantair
  • Marsh Industries
  • Matrix
  • Solido
  • Vortex
  • WPL
  • WTE

If you already have an existing sewage treatment plant installation, please see our page on sewage treatment plant servicing.

A Domestic Sewage Treatment Plant

A typical domestic sewage treatment plant

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