A Modern Septic Tank

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The original concept of a septic tank was to use natural anaerobic biological action to produce an effluent with a low concentration of solids and combine this with the use of gravity to pull solids to the tank base.

Modern septic tank systems, as shown, tend to be designed on the use of gravity as the main process of separating the solids from the sewage effluent.

Now that we use a significantly higher amount of water and household cleaners in our everyday lives it is very difficult to achieve a good anaerobic action in septic tanks. So, if you have a modern tank unit, using bleaches and detergents (in normal quantities) should not present any adverse effects.

With more traditional tank systems, you are more susceptible to problems due to bleaches and detergents. If the tank is of a small capacity or of only one chamber then you may find the soakaway will have a reduced lifespan.

By contacting us we can advise you further on your individual tank system.

Talk to one of our
engineering team call now on!

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