Septic Tank Conversion Systems – Low Cost Sewage Treatment Design

The UNI Gem is a secondary treatment system which has a unique retrofit design. The UNi Gem is installed when you have effluent discharge problems with your existing septic tank and you need to achieve a better discharge standard.

The UNI Gem unit can be retrofitted to existing septic tanks and some cesspits/cesspools that have sufficient existing volume for sludge containment.

A UNI Gem unit can be connected onto the discharge pipe of your septic tank. This will give you a superior discharge standard which can be designed to suit most discharge requirements from the Environment Agency. The system uses aerator and bacteria design with no need for additives.

Sites that have an existing septic tank can benefit from the cost saving using a Retro Fit unit, also sites where access for a full size treatment plant is difficult can also benefit from the UNI Gem’s compact size. A pump outlet option is also availiable and the unit has a ground level cover.

Produce a cleaner waste discharge from your existing septic tank. Service only involves an air filter clean and de sludge.

Marsh Septic Tank Conversion System

  Marsh UNI GEM – Retrofit Domestic

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